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Pebble Ridge HOA Annual Meeting

Pebble Ridge @ Pebble Creek Annual Meeting Agenda

November 12, 2019 @ Pebble Creek Country Club

It’s that time of year again!  2019 Pebble Ridge Homeowners Association Annual Meeting will be on November 12th at the Pebble Creek Country Club!  This years meeting will present the Board’s requests and decisions, dumpsters, islands and the 2020 budget. Please make an effort to attend to insure first hand updates about the year and what is to come.  If you are unable to attend, please give your proxy vote to a neighbor or a Board member that will reflect your concerns and direction for 2020. We look forward to seeing all of the Pebble Ridgers at this meeting!

Come early @ 6:00 for a Taco Bar!  The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00pm.  


The Annual Meeting of the PRHOA will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Pebble Creek Country Club Grille.

Members in good standing (all assessments paid) are eligible to vote and introduce other appropriate subjects for consideration.  The meeting will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

We want to encourage all residents to attend.  If however, you are unable to do so, please complete the 2019 Proxy Vote Authorization form within this invitation announcement.


  1. Call to order and President’s welcome
  2. Introduction of proxy voter
  3. Discussion and approval of the 2019 Annual Meeting minutes.
  4. Review of the 2019 Board projects and accomplishments.
  5. Treasurer’s Financial Report and Presentation of the Proposed Budget for 2020
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Election of officers for 2019-2020. The Board is pleased to nominate the Homeowners below who have agreed to serve:
    1. President:  Chris Bryant
    2. Vice President:  Angela Owens
    3. Secretary:  Sonja Bryant
    4. Treasurer:  Bill Clyne
    5. Director-at-Large:  George Champlin
    6. Director-at-Large:  Dennis Elmore
    7. Director-at-Large:  
  9. Remarks from the Board
  10. Adjournment
All voting rights to which the owner of Lot#_____ is entitled are hereby conferred to the eligible voter named below.  If no eligible voter is named, then the voting rights will be conferred to the Board of Directors of the Pebble Ridge Homeowners Association for its use by the proxy in such a manner as the Board deems appropriate for the well-being of the Association at the 2019 Annual Meeting.  This document will be automatically revoked should the said homeowner attend personally and wish to cast votes in person.  
Voting rights shall be conferred to:  

Signed and Dated: